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RETARD Bot Video Generation Features

The RETARD Bot includes two powerful features for manipulating audio and video: the EDIT function and the VIDEO function. Let's break down how each of these works.

1. EDIT Function

The EDIT function allows users to trim audio from voice messages.

How to Use:

Reply to a voice message with the command:

!EDIT startTime-endTime

For example: !EDIT 00:00:10-00:00:30

What It Does:

  1. Validates the time format you've entered.
  2. Downloads the voice message.
  3. Trims the audio to the specified time range.
  4. Converts the trimmed audio to MP3 format.
  5. Sends the edited audio back to the chat.

2. VIDEO Function

The VIDEO function creates a lip-synced video with a chosen face and your audio.

How to Use:

Reply to an audio message (MP3) with the command:

!VIDEO [#faceOption]

For example: !VIDEO #trump or just !VIDEO for the default face

What It Does:

  1. Checks if you've specified a face option (e.g., #trump, #biden).
  2. Downloads your audio file.
  3. Uses AI (via Replicate API) to generate a lip-synced video of the chosen face "speaking" your audio.
  4. Adds background music to the video.
  5. Sends the final video back to the chat.

Available Face Options:

  • Default (use !VIDEO with no option)
  • Trump (!VIDEO #trump)
  • Biden (!VIDEO #biden)
  • More options can be added easily

Behind the Scenes

  • The bot uses FFmpeg for audio processing and adding background music.
  • It uses the Replicate API with a specific AI model (cog-wav2lip) for lip-syncing.
  • Temporary files are created and deleted during the process to manage storage.
  • Error handling is in place to manage issues like incorrect file types or API failures.

Tips for Best Results

  1. For EDIT: Ensure your time format is correct (HH:MM:SS).
  2. For VIDEO: Use clear audio for best lip-sync results.
  3. Be patient! Video generation can take a few minutes.

Remember, these features are processing-intensive. If you encounter issues, the bot will let you know, and you can always try again or contact support.