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The Seriously Unserious AI next-gen LLM

Welcome to RETARD AI, the AI that's smart enough to solve complex problems but retard enough to enjoy a good pun. It's like having a genius cousin who's also a bit of a goofball.

What's RETARD AI, Anyway?

RETARD AI is a next-generation Large Language Model (LLM) built with Open Source Tech Salsa but fine-tuned from 316B to 88B parameters on Retardio brains. It's here to make your life easier and potentially more amusing. It's built with some serious tech mumbo-jumbo, but don't worry - using it is easier than making toast.

For the Tech Retards (Because We Know You're Curious)

  • Parameters: 88B (that's Billion, with a 'B' for 'Big Brain')
  • Architecture: Mixture of 8 Experts (MoE) - like having 8 smart cookies in one jar
  • Experts Utilization: 1 expert used per token (we're efficient like that)
  • Layers: 32 (like a really tall cake, but made of math)
  • Attention Heads: 48 for queries, 8 for keys/values (it's really good at paying attention)
  • Embedding Size: 6,144 (that's a lot of numbers to crunch)
  • Tokenization: SentencePiece tokenizer with 131,072 tokens (it knows more words than your average dictionary)
  • Maximum Sequence Length: 8,192 tokens (it can remember really long stories)

Plus, it's got some fancy features like rotary embeddings (RoPE) and supports activation sharding and 8-bit quantization. Don't worry if that sounds like gibberish - it just means RETARD AI is really, really smart.

  • Modular Madness: RETARD AI's brain is built with Go backend & node.js as client, making it faster than a caffeinated cheetah and more flexible than a yoga instructor.
  • Learn-a-tron 3000: Each user gets their own RETARD AI that learns and adapts. It's like having a digital pet that actually does your homework.

How to Summon Your AI Buddy

Magic Words (Because Who Doesn't Love Magic?)

Activate RETARD AI with these incantations:

  • ser retard AI: The "Open Sesame" of the AI world
  • hey god ai: Like calling your smart friend who's always ready to chat
  • RETARDI, do the thing: For when you're too lazy to be specific

On Telegram (Our Current Playground)

  1. Find RETARD AI on Telegram (it's the one with the slightly confused but eager expression)
  2. Start the fun with:
    /ser What's the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?
    (Spoiler: It might actually know the answer)

Why RETARD AI is the Bee's Knees

  1. Personal Brain Trainer: Your very own AI that grows smarter as you use it. It's like having a gym membership for your digital brain.
  2. Swiss Army Knife of AI: Use it across platforms. It's everywhere you want to be, like that one clingy friend, but useful.
  3. Creative Juice Maker: Need ideas? RETARD AI can whip up content faster than you can say "writer's block."
  4. Voice Whisperer: Soon, you'll be able to talk to RETARD AI. It's like having a phone call with the future.

The Road to AI Domination

  • Token Economy: Soon, you'll be able to power up your RETARD AI with special tokens. It's like feeding your Tamagotchi, but it actually does something useful.
  • Social Media Wizard: Create content that'll make your followers think you've hired a team of creative geniuses.
  • Infinite Potential: We're working on making RETARD AI do, well, everything. World domination? Nah, just life domination (in a good way).
